Here’s some feedback from our grant recipients telling us how our funding has helped them.

Arts & Culture

Good Chance Theatre

The Roddick Foundation has been a key partner funder on Good Chance’s The Walk and has been integral to making the entire project possible.

With The Roddick Foundation’s support they were able to create a major unprecedented travelling artwork, led by 1x 3.5m tall puppet, who journeyed 8,000km, through 8 countries, with 469 partners, involving herself in 147 events, working with 1626 artists, meeting over 6,000 people directly and reaching almost 140,000 people in terms of audiences.

They were also able to train 1,755 teachers in Little Amal’s story and create 76 short films of The Walk and 5 films of Little Amal at COP26 in Glasgow where their press coverage reached 16 million people in one day.

Kiln Theatre

The grant from The Roddick Foundation is supporting Kiln Theatre’s core activity as they prepare to reopen their cinema and theatre to the public after a very long time of closure due to COVID19.

Their cinema will reopen, subject to government guidelines, with heavily subsidised ticket prices to encourage audiences to return to their building and support their more vulnerable community members.

Additionally, this funding is facilitating a series of community projects to support their borough including a food distribution programme; a playwriting scheme for local young people; English classes for adults; and a diabetes awareness project in partnership with their local GP clinic.

Brent is a borough in need and they are determined to play their role in supporting their many communities.

Arts and Lectures UCSB

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped support Arts and Lectures UCSB arts accessibility program titled ‘Viva el Arte’ which supports low income, underserved community members in Santa Barbara county, many of whom are Spanish-speaking immigrants and families, through five artist residencies that each take place over four days.

The program serves up to 15,000 community members each year with free performances, workshops, in-school assemblies, and opportunities to meet the artists who represent important Mexican and Mexican-American cultural traditions.

Emergency Exit Arts

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped Emergency Exit Arts to have a more beneficial impact on the day to day lives of participants by helping galvanise artists to be more overtly engaged in the democratic process and creative activism.

The artists in turn have been encouraged to do this in their own practise as well as leading workshops with members of the public.

Free Arts

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped Free Arts engage 11,100 children in creative art projects designed to build resiliency and self-esteem.

The funding has also allowed Free Arts to add different types of art in to their program, including a painting program, they have secured some of Los Angeles’s better facilitators to work with the children and gained more volunteers.

Refuge Media

Funding went towards a UK tour of the Queens of Syria. The grant paid the per diems for the Syrian refugees in the tour. This money was of enormous help towards the refugees and their families.

Most of these families have been refugees in Jordan for five years now; they are largely forbidden to work for a living in Jordan and money has become very tight. One of the aims of the Queens of Syria project is to help ease the financial burden of the refugees in Jordan as much as possible.

The money also enabled the women to justify taking the time to come to the UK and tour the play.

Belarus Free Theatre

Support from The Roddick Foundation allowed Belarus Free Theatre to deliver the Staging a Revolution festival in November 2015, a two-week Festival of performances and discussions in London featuring some of the company’s most acclaimed original productions, reinvigorated classics and the world premiere of a new work, Time of Women.

Belarus Free Theatre integrated artistic production with campaigning and education elements throughout the festival period to engage audiences in critical and pressing debates on human rights and social justice issues in the UK and internationally.

Actor’s Gang

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has supported the Actors’ Gang’s Prison Project which has enhanced infrastructure and program roster, increased budget, and many opportunities to develop existing and new programs.

The Prison Project has a great responsibility and opportunity to make an impact beyond the inmates and prisons the Actors’ Gang currently serve and they feel the support from The Roddick Foundation has moved them much closer to their core aims and are excited to see what the next six months will bring.

Dirty Beach

Funding from The Roddick Foundation enabled Brighton-based artists “Dirty Beach” to create a powerful and critically acclaimed pop-up supermarket art installation at O.N.C.A. gallery. Waste plastic collected from local beaches by the artists and volunteers was washed, sorted and re-branded to create an eerily spectacular ‘supermarket’.

The “TruCost Super M-Art” subverted the universal mundane shopping experience with the aim of inspiring visitors to use plastic in more sustainable ways.

The Resurgence Trust

Thanks to the Roddick Foundation’s grant The Resurgence Trust has been able to maintain and manage the website in an efficient manner. As a result they are uploading new material everyday. The number of visitors is sustained and growing.

They were also able to hold the Festival of Wellbeing, a successful festival which was attended by 350 people, shifting their focus from economic growth to growth in well-being. Speakers included Fiona Reynolds, Johnathon Porrit, Caroline Lucas, Polly Higgins, Patrick Holden, and Satish Kumar. Building on the success of this festival they are organising a second festival of well-being this year.

Arundel Festival

Because of The Roddick Foundation’s grant the Festival was able to expand massively and put on over 20 more community events, and were also able to fund more street entertainment than ever before.

The street entertainment increased the footfall in the town – beneficial for traders, raised the profile of the festival and provided the community families and visitors some fantastic entertainment.

Brighton Dome & Festival

The Foundation monies has helped Brighton Dome and Festival Ltd (BDFL) become a hub for artists, companies and audiences to form new relationships and develop exciting new work. With the establishment of an artist development programme, BDFL have been able to foster successful relationships with a number of artists and companies and BDFL have also worked closely and formed key partnerships with leadings in a range of different art forms, including Hydrocracker, Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra, South East Dance, Without Walls and ZEPA.

These relationships have not only benefitted the companies/artists but have also enabled BDFL to commission and present cutting edge new work of the highest standard that has contributed to propelling the forward in terms of raising our national profile.

Chichester Festival Theatre

The grant received has enabled Chichester Festival Theatre to investigate further how facilities can be improved upon. In 2012 the theatre will be 50 years old and the ageing Grade 2 listed building poses restrictions to the theatre and therefore is limiting its potential.

The grant has meant that they now have the building blocks in place and are ready to start developing the site. It also enabled CFT to leverage a grant from the Arts Council England towards the development of this project.


Community Support Agriculture Network UK

The Roddick Foundation funding has been enormously helpful for CSAN UK allowing them to really push forward with their communications. Member farms have benefited by being highlighted on social media channels and on CSAN UK’s website – raising their profile and the number of members of their own schemes as a result.

Their updated website will also benefit all their farms and the increase in their profile will push up demand and support for agroecological growing in general.

Farming The Future

The Roddick Foundation supported the Farming the Future collaboration’s second year in 2020. Farming the Future brings together a diverse collective of land-workers, educators, researchers, activists, organisations and funders, who are dedicated to transforming the current industrial food system to a regenerative one.

The Foundation made contributions to the main Farming the Future grant-pool, as well as the Covid Emergency Response Fund, work around culture and communications, and a project exploring opportunities for redirecting finance into a regenerative food and farming system.

Greenpeace Environmental Trust

The Roddick Foundation’s grant is being used to support Greenpeace’s work to protect the world’s most important forests – specifically the Amazon, and in particular by challenging the food and farming systems that are driving deforestation on an industrial scale, in Brazil and around the world.

Alongside this are the threats to people who live in the forests and Greenpeace stands in solidarity with all indigenous peoples and they are working to support them and their demands wherever they can.

The Roddick Foundation’s support for the six-part podcast series ‘Cereal’ is allowing members of the team to dedicate the necessary time and effort to what is an ambitious and wide-ranging project uncovering the polarised world of cereals from seed to loaf. This series will share stories at every stage of the journey from seed to loaf and empower people to decide for themselves what the future of food security and a healthy planet looks like – the people have the power to decide the future of our food system.
Gaia Foundation

With the help of the funding received from The Roddick Foundation, the Gaia Foundation has been able to complete the production phase of their global photographic initiative ‘We Feed The World’ which will put the spotlight on the small, family farms and communities who feed over 70% of the world’s population through regenerative agricultural approaches.

Community Environmental Council

With the help of the funding received CEC has been able to increase their reach to the public as well as strengthen community partnerships on their five initiatives that seek to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to address climate change. Funding has allowed CEC to maintain one of the strongest social media networks by an environmental non-profit in Southern California.

Transition Network

The Roddick Foundation funding has been truly invaluable this year in helping Transition Network progress their core work, in communications and support. Transition has been able to inspire and catalyse action by communities towards a low-carbon, socially-just future, and to help people involved in Transition to access good information, resources and support.


With the funding from The Roddick Foundation WhaleFest has been able to able to reach thousands more children with innovative educational materials and a message of the importance care for the ocean environment. WhaleFest’s in-schools activities are one of the children’s most anticipated and enjoyed events. The quality and scope of WhaleFest’s educational work at the forthcoming WhaleFest would be fraction of what they deliver without The Roddick Foundation’s support.

Blue Marine Foundation

The Roddick Foundation funding has enabled BLUE to expand its portfolio of marine conservation activities to now include: Belize, Lyme Bay, exploration of other UK sites in which to adopt the Lyme model, the Mediterranean, Antarctica and Scotland. The beneficiaries in each of these areas vary – from people to marine ecosystems but suffice to say that BLUE’s remit has been firmly progressed by this funding.

In addition, this funding has enabled to continue to bring the world’s attention to the crisis in the oceans. With the support of the Roddick Foundation, BLUE has produced two short films – on a modest budget – and a highly impactful PR campaign to help raise further awareness and funds for its mission.

This funding also enables the successful and professional running of the at a ‘behind the scenes’ level, and the funding has been of immeasurable value to BLUE itself. BLUE is a young, ‘start up’ charity which cannot rely on a fully established, long-running list of ‘repeat’ donors.

Slow Food UK

As a result of the grant from The Roddick Foundation, Slow Food UK, a not-for-profit seeking to promote a better way to eat, has developed a new membership database. Due to the improved membership database, local groups have easier access to membership information, which enables them to contact their local members more easily. Local groups have to spend less time informing and chasing local members for their renewal, and less members lapsed, creating bigger and stronger local groups, that can focus more on organising local events and activities. The new database, and improved local events section helps them communicate about these activities more easily too.

A new email system was also developed to be linked to the membership database. The new membership database and email system allows for more, frequent tailored communication with different stakeholder groups. Doing so, different groups get more specialised information, relevant to their role within the

Navdanya Trust

As a result of the funding provided by The Roddick Foundation Navdanya (a women-led movement for biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture and farmer’s rights ) has been able to create a global alliance of that are resisting GMOs, and also produce a global citizen’s report on GMOs titled ‘The GMO Emperor Has No Clothes – False Promises, Failed Technologies.’ Both the report and the global citizens alliance have provided the GMO-free movements with a strong and persuasive tool in their work to turn the GMO industrial tide.

Tourism Concern

Courtesy of The Roddick Foundation, Tourism Concern has been able to employ a full time campaigns manager plus supporting volunteer staff to launch their important new campaign demanding water rights for communities in destinations: Water Equity in Tourism (WET). The goal being that water rights of communities living in tourism destinations are protected and respected and more equitable distribution between local people and tourism development is secured.

Soil Association

As a result of funding from The Roddick Foundation the Soil Association has developed their campaigns and policy work to raise awareness and activism around the critical issue of food security, and sustainable food and farming systems.

They have published Stuffed – a new activists handbook which starts in the kitchen and travels via gardens, schools, communities, cities and farms to examine how the global food system influences, and can be influenced by, our own personal choices.

The Soil Association has also run a major international conference, which looked at the unprecedented challenges facing the world’s food systems. Published a key report on organic farming’s potential to mitigate climate change through carbon capture, and organised a national conference in Birmingham, addressing the triple challenges of climate change, resource depletion and food security and the need to develop new models for food and farming systems for the 21st century.


Christian Aid

The funding from the Roddick Foundation has made great impacts in terms of providing emergency humanitarian aid and therapy to vulnerable people who are most in need. From this perspective the funding was hugely successful and went a long way towards ensuring life-saving support for communities affected by the Syrian conflict.

One very additional positive note from the community project that The Roddick Foundation has supported is that the community members now feel enabled and motivated to begin advocating for an improvement in services for refugees in Wadi el Zeiny. They are especially looking at improvement to health and educational services and how they can lobby the UNRWA to provide aid for the forgotten refugee communities. These communities have received aid, empowerment and care, however we regret to say, that the need remains great.

Community Action fund for Women

Funding from The Roddick Foundation was used to provide an agricultural support program. CAFWA works to empower women in conflict and post-conflict areas to re-build their lives through financial security, increased food production, and environmental restoration. CAFWA supports long term programs, acting as a catalyst, facilitator, and critical source of encouragement to the 1,600 women currently enrolled in its programs.

Christian Aid

In 2011 drought and displacement combined with rising food prices left more than 13 million people in the east and the horn of Africa in urgent need of humanitarian support. Funding from The Roddick Foundation was directed to support vulnerable families in Northern Kenya, where the drought was caused by the failure of the October/December 2010 and March/May 2011 ‘long’ rains.

Through The Roddick Foundation’s funding Christian Aid have saved lives and livelihoods, and improved the health of families through improved nutrition and safe water.

Microloan Foundation

This grant has helped Microloan make real strides in alleviating rural poverty in Blantyre, Southern Malawi. After recruitment, training and a one-month induction at Malawi Head Office, Mike Kanyesi began operating in Blantyre in November 2010.

By the end of January Mike was already delivering training, mentoring and loans to 280 clients in the area. With an average of 5 children and dependents per female client, this means that Mike has helped approximately 1680 people in his initial three months.

Common Ground

Using funding from The Roddick Foundation Common Ground Relief has been able to complete the construction of a 3 bedroom, 2 bath model house that is now being previewed by returning median and lower median income residents.

The house was framed using their Construction Job Training trainees and the interior of the house was drywalled by their skilled construction volunteers. The sale of new homes will allow Common Ground to expand their Construction Job Training programme for local residents and by building stick built homes they are buying materials locally adding to a needed expansion of the local sales tax base and completed homes add to a needed expansion of the real estate tax base.

Human Rights

Rights of Women

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped the Parental Alienation project make excellent progress, including the recruitment of one full-time legal officer to work on the project, the establishment of an advisory group comprising of a mixture of survivors, domestic abuse organisations, representatives from commissioner offices and academies and the establishment of a bespoke referral and case management systems for the project.


Thanks to support from The Roddick Foundation, Reprieve has continued to fight for justice on behalf of those enduring extreme human rights abuses, including detention without charge or trial, in Kurdish detention facilities in North-east Syria (NES). Reprieve has been able to increase the number of clients they are assisting as demand for their support has dramatically increased.

They are now working directly with more than 34 vulnerable individuals and their children detained in NES providing, amongst other services, legal assistance, investigative support and secure remote medical assessments.


Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped APPEAL to develop a thorough screening methodology to ensure that every case they receive is properly considered, looking independently at the conviction and the evidence.

They have also been able to employ expert, dedicated investigators and lawyers – they now have a full-time employed Barrister, giving them the capability to represent wrongfully convicted people directly in court, which has allowed them to up their game, and reduce their reliance on finding pro bono barristers.

Five Foundation

The Roddick Foundation’s grant has enabled The Five Foundation to begin putting its global strategy into operation. The Five Foundation has started work to increase prioritisation of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as an urgent issue through the development of key global partnerships and through engaging new donors to support the growing movement.

They have also already managed to bring together leading NGOs (international, national and local), all working on ending FGM as part of an umbrella partnership.

Article 1

The core funding provided by The Roddick Foundation has been central to Article 1’s recent achievements. Core funding is particularly key for Article 1 due to the need for their work to remain adaptive and responsive to people’s needs at each stage in their journey to build meaningful lives in the UK.

This requires that Article 1’s staff are knowledgeable about refugee law and the country situation in Sudan, but also well-networked with relevant projects and services so that they can provide prompt and appropriate signposting. This is what allows them to make the most meaningful interventions for their clients.

Freedom To Choose

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has been supporting the continuation and expansion of Freedom To Choose’s workshops and programs at Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) & Valley State Prison (VSP). The grant monies given have also played an important role in giving Freedom to Choose the ability to continue making the workshops available to the incarcerated community.

Innocence Project

The Roddick Foundation’s support has been integral to sustaining the work of the Innocence Project’s legal department through support for the salary of Staff Attorney Bryce Benjet and his extensive work on behalf of the IP’s clients.

The Innocence Project’s core aims are to free innocent people who have been wrongfully convicted and bring substantive reform to the system responsible for their unjust imprisonment.

With each new exoneration and policy achievement, the Innocence Project is helping to shape a criminal justice system based on fairness and informed by science.

Hope North

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has supported 13 Hope North students with supplies, campus upkeep, healthcare and recreation. Hope North is a charity who educates and heals the young victims of Uganda’s civil war, including orphans and former child soldiers, empowering them to become voices for peace and development.

Witness to Guantanamo

With The Roddick Foundation’s grant has been instrumental to the Witness to Guantanamo’s ongoing success. They have now completed 124 interviews in 18 countries. This impressive collection amounts to a sizeable 8TB of data. In the first six months of this grant period, funding from The Roddick Foundation has touched every part of the project.


The Roddick Foundation grant has also played an important role in encouraging women’s leadership in factory advocacy and organizing work. Traditionally in Bangladesh women have been restricted to the home. Of course that is changing in that poor, working class women are now permitted to work long hours in factories, because their families desperately need the income. But when they are not at work, they are still expected to be at home, and deeply ingrained cultural training dictates that women workers remain submissive and meek.

With The Roddick Foundation’s support, the IGLHR’s partner organization, the BGSSF, has hired its first two women organizers and researchers, who are now collaborating with both the federation (on organizing and worker education) and with the Institute’s Dhaka and Chittagong offices (on research).

The Roddick Foundation funding has also played a key role in helping the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation mobilize and reach out to hundreds workers severely injured in the Rana Plaza collapse and their families.

The Freedom Archives

The Freedom Archives published “Out of Control – A Fifteen Year Battle Against Control Unit Prisons” in January 2013 and went to a second printing in May. Out of Control tells the inspiring story of the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown (CEML).

Founded in 1985 to organise against control unit prisons and related inhumane practices at the notorious federal prison in Marion, Illinois, the committee’s work and influence spread nationwide, even as the practices at Marion became widespread in many other prisons in the U.S. and internationally.

The Roddick Foundation grant supported the publication, outreach and messaging of Out of Control, and website development. It also generated publicity and has supported travel. Copies of this significant new book are also being sent to prisoners themselves at no cost.

Platform London

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has been critical to Platform’s launch and promotion of their report on Shell in Nigeria. They sustained media interest and were able to escalate the campaign, and in doing so, amplified the voices and stories of local residents in the Niger Delta to a global audience.

The funding has also allowed Platform to deepen their engagement with popular movements – for example as a result of Platform’s analysis, Syrian democracy activists were able to effectively target the Western oil companies who were supporting the Syrian regime.

This grant has led to Platform’s growing campaign on the finance sector being central to major shifts in the approach of financial institutions towards the oil industry, and now Platform’s investor work serves a global public interest.

Concern Worldwide

This grant has enabled an additional 153 women in Ethiopia who were/are at risk of Gender Based Violence (GBV) to access small loans to help them make a real, lasting difference to their own lives. Economically dependent women are now able to create assets and a stable income in addition to giving them a more leveraged position in their homes.

This allows them to discuss and negotiate with their husbands which was previously unheard of in traditional society.

In schools, The Roddick Foundation has helped create school clubs and parent teacher groups providing comprehensive support to victims. GBV survivors are now able to get the medical and psychological support they need.

These services were previously unavailable and a great deal more work will be done to strengthen them over the next six months. The work with school clubs coupled with infrastructural improvements has meant more girls are attending and staying in school, and their performance is noticeably improving.

As a result, the Roddick Foundation’s funding has not only had a direct impact on those at risk or those who have suffered acts of GBV. The funding has also made a difference to the attitudes and practices of entire communities which will hopefully result in a substantial decline in incidences of GBV over the coming years.

Helen Bamber Foundation

Received funding to launch ‘The Journey’ in New York City. The Journey is an experiential art installation by well-known artists that depicts the Journey of a young woman trafficked into a life of sexual exploitation. The installation has been on display in London, Vienna and Madrid and travelled to New York City at the request of the Mayor’s Office.

The aim of this launch was to raise awareness in the public, network for improved care, support and legal protection for victims of trafficking and provide outreach and educational opportunities for local NGOs, governmental bodies and the public.


Rugforce Films Ltd

The Roddick Foundation funding has been used to meet the costs of a feature documentary, directed by Lorna Tucker about street homelessness. The aim of the film is to be a part of The Big Issue’s campaign SMASH – to stop mass homelessness which the UK faces as we emerge from lockdowns – to get the public and politicians to understand the scale of the problem and to do something about it.

Corruption Watch

Funding has enabled Corruption Watch to show the film ‘Shadow World’ and talk to audiences in formal engagement sessions after the screenings across the UK, and in other countries. In total over 770 people both saw the film and engaged in discussions across the UK, in venues ranging from cinemas, campuses, conference centres, community centres and one cooperative community. Over 185 people attended training workshops on the arms trade and investigative and campaigning methods and strategies directly linked to these screenings.

Open Democracy
Funding has enabled Open Democracy to expose corporate and governmental wrongdoing, inform the public, provide intelligence and ammunition to reporters, activists, campaigners and parliamentarians, and stimulate media coverage of hard issues by demonstrating that there is strong story material.
The Shine Trust

Funding from the Roddick Foundation has been used by The Shine Trust to establish and develop literacy support in communities in South Africa.

Parent workshops have also been run and used as interventions to heighten awareness of the importance of literacy and books amongst parents and in poor communities, as well as providing them with the necessary skills to do this. Parents are taught how to help their children with Shared and Paired Reading and how to interest children in stories by making stories ‘come alive’.

Skills learnt by those attending the workshops have also had an impact on the broader community with some parents now reading to their neighbours’ children and reading to children at crèches and after-care centres. Two parents have been assisting with reading sessions on a weekly basis and have through this opportunity acquired new skills themselves.

Previously, no Xhosa books and readers were available and communities were unaware that there were so many Xhosa books available. These resource cabinets have been looked at as mini-libraries.

Centre For Investigative Journalism

Core funding was given so that CIJ could provide more training in locations around the UK which have rarely received it, and to help widen the provision of practical tools and resources. CIJ is committed to providing the most up-to-date training available in the field of investigative reporting and to champion in depth, critical and sceptical journalism. Some of the grant was also used on the Cargill Project – an on-going long-form investigation – and this has helped take the project into the final stages of completion. The Cargill Project aims to alert the public to Cargill’s effects on the environment, food security, the lives and conditions of farmers and farm labourers, including children. Cargill’s role in the destruction of community agriculture and the industrialisation of what we eat.

John Pilger/Strand Films

This grant was used to help fund the making of the film/documentary ‘The War You Don’t See’ – an investigation into the media’s role in war, tracing the history of embedded and independent reporting from the carnage of World War One to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan and disaster in Iraq. Without this funding the film would not have been completed to the length (94 minutes) or the high standard which it was.

Mother Jones

This grant was awarded to the Mother Jones Anita Fund: A Global Justice Journalism Project. During the first year good progress was made including a special report on human rights which was published in the March/April 2010 issue of Mother Jones, a new human rights reporter was hired to report full time on human rights issues around the world and in the United States and we have been looking at ways to connect more with the younger tech-savy audience with our human rights reporting.



The grant from The Roddick Foundation supported their campaign work during the first wave of COVID19. They were successfully able to lobby for improvements in the working rights of healthcare workers on visas, they were successful in campaigning for death in service benefit for healthcare workers who died of COVID-19, and secured eye protection for frontline healthcare workers. They have also been pushing for an independent review into the structural racism within the NHS. As a direct consequence of the funding from The Roddick Foundation, they have also grown significantly as an organisation. They have increased their mailing list from 4,000 to 25,000, and increased their paying membership numbers from 350 paying members to around 1,000. Funding has also been devoted, as planned, to creating the structure necessary for their organisation to grow. They have invested in support from an HR officer in managing company policies and hiring staff, have enlisted the services of accountants to set themselves up as a VAT-paying company and have also invested in tech to keep EveryDoctor running smoothly as they work remotely during COVID-19.

The Hepatitis C Trust

The Roddick Foundation’s funding has created significant benefits to many different communities within the Infected Bloody Inquiry. They have received hundreds of calls and emails from members of the public who received blood or blood products in the 1970’s and 80’s and they’ve been able to provide them with balanced, accurate information. Some patients, aware of infection, had been unaware of payment schemes and they’ve helped them with the complex application process and any other challenges that arise. The Hepatitis C Trust has also been able to advise a range of callers about the Inquiry itself from an independent perspective, helping them to explore options in regard to giving evidence, offering support and information the Inquiry process, as well as general enquiries.

Sussex Beacon

The grant from The Roddick Foundation has been put towards the costs of Sussex Beacon’s Independent Living Service which empowers people living with HIV to self-manage their health needs, become less isolated and better cope with life with HIV. This is achieved through specialist casework, peer mentoring support and group work.

Hepatitis C Trust

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has given the Trust the ability to develop the infrastructure to launch The Plan and meet three of their stated goals for the pre-launch phase:

  • Increased cooperation through partnership and advocacy with a range of hepatitis C stakeholders, including government, NHS, drug companies and other charities;
  • Expansion of many of the Trust’s on-going projects to meet the Plan’s stated objectives;
  • Significant increase in capacity of the Trust fundraising department.
Chestnut Tree House

As a result of The Roddick Foundation’s grant a staff nurse has been able to continue her vital role at Chestnut Tree House as part of the multi-disciplinary team caring for local life-limited children staying at the hospice.

The number of life-limited children for whom they care has increased to 280. Care for the children is provided “round the clock” and in the daytime this is on a 1:1 basis. The nurse supported by the grant from The Roddick Foundation has helped in providing care for an increased number of children and thanks to this grant Chestnut Tree House remains able to maintain their commitment to provide this level of short breaks for each child at Chestnut Tree House.

Special Yoga Centre

The support from The Roddick Foundation has helped 10 children to continue to receive weekly one-to-one yoga therapy sessions over 20 weeks. The Special Yoga Centre is the only charity in the UK providing yoga therapy to children with special needs. The benefit and impact of one-to-one sessions is that the therapist can tailor a yoga therapy to the exact and often needs of the recipient child. This approach enables each child to respond and develop his/her own pace and by the bespoke nature of this programme, the ability of the therapist to respond to a child’s responses in a personalised way.

Maternal & Childhealth Advocacy International (MCAI)

With the support of The Roddick Foundation and UNICEF, UNFPA, Advanced Life Support Group and the Souter Foundation, MCAI have been able to run several key training courses in emergency care, monitored and assessed by Gambian and UK instructors for different types of health workers predominantly from the Brikama/West River Region District of The Gambia. Three training courses in Emergency Maternal and Neonatal Healthcare attended by a total of 68 health workers – doctors, midwives and skilled birth attendants, two training courses in Emergency Child Trauma and Healthcare attended by 36 health workers and one Generic Instructor course attended by 8 midwives and 1 doctor. In addition to providing appropriate practical course materials, the funding given also helped to provide each trainee with a comprehensive manual and pocketbook in emergency care, a resuscitation logbook, and bag, valve and mask which they can keep.

Because of the training the Foundation enabled MCAI to provide, over 100 key health workers (midwives, nurses, and doctors) are now skilled in the emergency management of very ill pregnant women, babies, and children. MCAI know that this training directly leads to saving lives: although it is too soon to assess the resuscitation logbooks of those attending the February courses, 293 life-saving intervention attempts have been documented in personal logbooks in candidates from previous courses.

Hepatitis C Trust

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped expand the Hep C Trust’s patient support and information services, support the work the Trust is doing at a global level to get the World Health Organisation and its 193 member countries to give hepatitis C, together with hepatitis B, the priority it needs. The Trust was able to participate in the second truly global World Hepatitis Day

Hetrick-Martin Institute

With the support of The Roddick Foundation HMI has been able to hire a full-time licensed Bereavement Counsellor – a position that is of critical need for so many of their youth members due to the disproportionate levels of loss and grief they routinely experience, which is trauma that has only been intensified as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This support will directly impact the recovery of these deserving young people.

Pacific Pride Foundation

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has supported Pacific Pride Foundation in providing and expanding their essential services to meet the increased needs of their clients. PPF is a leading LGBTQ+ centre between Los Angeles and San Francisco and provides essential, culturally competent services to the LGBTQ+ and HIV-impacted communities.

While significant strides have been made in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality, there is still much work to be done. The entire community benefits when the health of the LGBTQ+ community is improved and when issues of LGBTQ+ equality are addressed.

Room To Heal

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped Room to Heal support 113 torture survivors, providing 63 of these people with tailored, intensive, holistic support including therapeutic activities and casework/practical support. This support has really helped community members with ongoing support through very challenging times.

She Rock She Rock

Without funding from The Roddick Foundation She Rock She Rock would not have been as successful as it was this year. The grant was put towards their general operating funds which helped in a major staff transition and a pivot to virtual programming.

Due to COVID their annual Girls Rock n Roll Retreat (GRRR), their largest program of the year, shifted into a virtual model which had a significant impact on their budget – and this funding helped greatly. This year at GRRR, 116 campers learned how to write, produce and record their own songs using a software called Soundtrap.

Instead of learning physical instruments, they learned how to use the software to program multiple instrument sounds, rhythms and record vocals. Campers also engaged in social justice workshops and art workshops. All activities were held on Zoom.

Solid State Community

The grant from The Roddick Foundation has been used to employ 4 women, all on a permanent part-time positions, and all racialised migrants themselves, to maintain and develop their outreach and partnership efforts, website and social media, as well as liaise with partner organisations.

Bognor Regis Foodbank

The funding received from The Roddick Foundation has allowed the Foodbank to continue to run a dedicated foodbank premises in a town centre location, opening for 5 hours, 3 days a week which is more than many other foodbanks in the area. The need in the area they support calls for longer opening times.

They have also been able to provide emergency food parcels for an increasing number of people, and provide emotional support and signposting to many local agencies that they work closely with.

Dream Foundation

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has enabled the Dream Foundation, in a fiscally challenging year, the chance to continue their services uninterrupted while allowing them critical time to focus on strategies to maximize their core fundraising program. The funds have covered the costs of 40-50 uniquely different Dreams.

Families have been reunited, celebrations of life have been held, and final performing arts experiences were had. Funding has significantly impacted the final months, weeks and days for in-need patients with nowhere else to turn for final Dreams.

Lady Parts Justice League

Funding from The Roddick Foundation has enabled them to expand their outreach to independent abortion clinics in the USA and offer a new range of services to help them. Unfortunately, the political climate and current presidential administration in the US makes LPJL’s goal of destigmatizing abortion and securing access to safe abortion more difficult. However, with the ability to scale up their clinic support and community building that The Roddick Foundation funding has afforded them, they believe that the grassroots activism they aim to inspire is taking hold.

Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile

Support from The Roddick Foundation has enabled the Baobab Centre to recruit additional administrative support and thereby help them to continue their work in reducing psychological and developmental difficulties in, and the alienation and marginalisation of young asylum seekers and refugees who have experienced human rights abuses.

My Sisters’ House

With the help of The Roddick Foundation My Sisters’ House were able to engage other funding and opened a visible office in Bognor Regis in June 2015. This enables My Sisters’ House to offer a drop in service, a domestic abuse surgery and a money clinic as well as a rollout of SHINE confidence courses across the area.


Funding from The Roddick Foundation has helped AHA! stay focused on maintaining current programming, giving enhanced training to a superlative staff (now consisting of 15 facilitators, an administrator, a Development Director, and an Executive team) of both veterans and newbies while paying them a living wage, refinement of curriculum and its delivery, deepening their understanding of SEL and the foundations of the work they do, and refining our development strategies.


Funding from the Roddick Foundation has allowed SumOfUs to hire new campaigners, target dozens of corporations, expand their fundraising programme, and have a clear impact on multiple campaigns. SumOfUs’ members have become more educated and aware of corporate accountability issues, their campaigns have reached millions of people and informed them about the impact of corporate behaviour on human rights, the environment, and democratic freedoms, including the influence that their consumer power can have over that behaviour, and their members have also been empowered to take action. Their members increased awareness is now channeled into direct action against corporate abuses around the world.

The Albert Einstein Institution

… is committed to the defence of democratic freedoms and institutions and the reduction of political violence through the use of nonviolent action. It is dedicated to examining how freedom, justice and peace can be achieved without sacrificing one for the other. The grant has helped with general operating support and to expand AE Institution’s capacity to support their mission areas of research and sharing the results of that research.

Changing Faces

The Roddick Foundation’s grant was put towards core costs and Changing Faces believe that this support has been fundamental in their work – they have been able to sustain their services and campaigns. Changing Faces is the UK’s leading not-for-profit organisation seeking individual, professional, institutional, legal and social transformations for people with disfigurements to their face, hands and body from any cause. As a result of funding from the Foundation, Changing Faces have been able to build their focus and re-energise their efforts to promote a better and fairer future for people with disfigurements – and launch their new Face Equality Film.

The Missing Foundation

The funding donated to The Missing Foundation has enabled us to achieve the following: provide a 24 hour, 7 days a week Advice Line, to form links with specialised, dedicated organisations and to guide people to the most appropriate service, whether they are missing people or families and friends of missing people. The funding directly benefits the many families who have little or no understanding of the services available to them. The job of the Missing Foundation is to know where those services are, what times they are open and exactly how they can help. Time is of the essence and the first few days have proved to be crucial in locating or helping an individual. The charity also provides information and support to other services so everyone is working more effectively and in unison.

World Development Movement (WDM)

Thanks to funding from the Roddick Foundation WDM was able to organise five campaign skills training days (focussing on media, lobbying & social networking) in Reading, London, Manchester, Leeds, and Glasgow. They were able to bring in expert trainers, Kathryn Tulip and Joy Francis. Funding has also allowed them to increase their network team’s capacity. They now have a temporary, 2.5 days/wk networks assistant to support their senior network development officer.